setting up DX-EE in basement |
The last couple of days have been unseasonably cool during the evenings so I was up early this morning to make my way into the attic. It was nice for a change to muddle around up there in non-stifling heat. Since the
Alpha Delta DX-EE seems to be working just great it was time to remove the other antennas from the attic. There were 30m and 40m mobile whip dipole antennas that had to come down. I did leave the coax in the attic for possible future use....it's a lot easier to have the coax available than fishing a new run up there. Below are some pictures of the new antenna and the installation configuration.
Yellow electric fence insulators |
10,15,and 20m spans |
The Z configuration |
40 meter trap |
Looks very nice Mike, shure you had a lot of work with it. How does it perform till now? 73, Bas
Hi Mike, glad you didn't have to contend with the "sauna" in the attic..Here in West Wales I think we must be having the hottest day of the year so far...
Hey Mike,
Do you get any RF in the house audio systems having the antenna so close? I used to have a 40M dipole that I stupidly ran in parallel with some speaker wires. Oops!
Will be interested to see how the antenna works on the "off" bands, 30, 17, and 12. Cool!
Good evening Bas, I have not had a real chance as of yet to give it a honest go. Next weekend is a long weekend here in Canada...it's Canada day. So I hope to give the antenna a good workout on the Canada Day contest.
Hi Mark, Yes getting up in the attic on the stifling days is not fun at all.
Hey Casey, I have up to this point had no troubles with any electronics in the house. I only run 5 watts QRP so that may help as well. As for the off bands I can get it to tune with the K3 tuner and will give those bands like 30m on WSPR and see how it does.
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