My 1/2 built K2 is up for sale |
Many decisions have been made here at VE3WDM in the past few months. We decided to downsize to a condo in so doing we moved to a very nice condo on the lake in Toronto. Many things had to be sold including ham radio related items. The shack had to be downsized but not shut down! Over the weekend I took another look at items I have that I'm not using. So some small items went up for sale and one BIG item that I have been mulling over for some time.....my 1/2 built K2 went up on the market today. This was a hard decision as I really enjoy kit building but with the small space it was just not going to work out. This is my second K2 and I did have a blast putting the first one together as well as 1/2 of this one. It's up on the Elecraft user group site. There was a heart stopping moment when one email asked me what the serial number was of the kit. No problem I packed it in three boxes, once opening them the contents were just the casing and the boards that I had 1/2 built.....WHERE ARE THE PARTS!!!! Did I toss them with the "junk". A fast check of some boxes in the locker cleared up the question and all were parts were found safe and sound.
Good Luck with the sale Mike. And all the best in Toronto. 73 de EI9KC Ark
is it sold yet? What price do you ask?
73, Jim
Thanks very much and the City is great very close to work and all the stuff one can do.
Sorry Jim it has been sold and it went for 550.00.
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