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I have changed the shots to try to make them larger as some readers were wanting to see more details. The original pictures were done with Windows Print screen key. Not a very good option if one wants to see detail....lesson learned.These are not the greatest but the best I can do with the original prints.
Well I'm off work today and tomorrow I was off last week with a very bad cold and sinus infection but went back to early and am off again. Now I'm on med's and things seem to be turning around. Oh one thing the doctor asked me to try was a Neti Pot. In a nut shell you flush out your nose with water, it goes in one nostril and flows out the other!! I have heard of this and my son actually does it but there is just something funny about running water all the way through your nose up and into the sinus cavities and out. You just have to be careful and not use tap water and only the solution that is advised to use..........any way what does this have to do with WSRPing.......NOTHING.......I again have set up my Elecraft K3 for WSPR and it works better than ever. I set it up on 20m this afternoon to see how my 5 watts could venture out and about. I was very surprised that my signal made it over into Europe. A fellow blogger Paul PC4T in the Netherlands has hoped to have a WSPR signal meeting....up to this point it has been a no go. But this time around I did make it into the Netherlands to PA0SLT and PA3EDR as well as Italy, Switzerland, Finland and France.
Hope you're felling better. Sinus infections are the pits!
Larry W2LJ
Good afternoon Larry, thanks for asking and yes I am the nose spray and antibiotics the doc gave me along with this Neti pot are working wonders. Should be soon back to normal....but I have lost my voice with all this and I think my wife is liking the quite around the house...:))
Hello Mike, I would like to examine the pictures closer. But they are just too small, can't read a thing of it. When the technical side of my shack is ready I'll be back on WSPR. Hopefully you can manage a wspr meeting with PC4T one of these days. 73, Bas
Good morning Bas, Yes I realized that when I did it so later today I am going to update with better pic's. I did a print screen and really never check closer. Will post better ones today with an update to the post.
Hi Mike, unfortunately, I was only qrv with WSPR on 40 meter in the early morning. Not on 20m. Yesterday and today it was too hot for radio. (30,1 C for 2 days now) my computer processor don't like high temperatures. What time do you transmit with WSPR? Good luck and take care with the cold. I hope you recover soon. 73 Paul
Good afternoon Paul, WOW those sure are some hot temp's for Sept for sure. We are in around 10-8 at night and about 22 during the day. As for times for WSPR it's really hit and miss but you can always Tweet or email me when your on and if I'm at home I sure can put on the rig and give WSPR a go. As for the recovering it's coming along slow but sure.
Have a good weekend Paul.
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