Sunday, April 7, 2013

Adding my two cents worth............

So here we's the weekend and time to get some radio time in as during the week I find it very hard to get into the shack once all the household chores are done. I have been trying to get a good score for the Marathon challenge this weekend. It is a QRP type challenge that involves you contacting stations via the lowest possible QRP power. I have come to learn that if the station you contact is also QRP you get more bang for the buck when it comes to scoring in this challenge. This leads me to my post today......I have been hanging out at the QRP calling frequencies and on 10m, 15m and 20m there has been lots of action. Now the action I speak of is not a QRP station calling CQ BUT  stations who is in a QRP contest calling CQ contest on QRP calling frequencies!! Maybe I am way off base here but.....a little bird in my head is telling me that this is not right. What's your feedback...if you are QRP is it good to call CQ as well as CQ contest on QRP calling frequencies??


Dick said...

Hi Mike. I was listening on 14.060 the other evening. The band was good and I heard a number of USA stations calling "CQ Contest". Frankly I didn't know what the contest was, but answered a guy in Florida. I supopose if there was a QRP-only contest going and 14.060 was busy with that sort of activity, I wouldn't mind hearing the word "contest" pounded out. QRP-ARCI and Flying Pig "contests" come to mind. But, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

73 Dick

Larry W2LJ said...

Hi Mike,

Personally, I was trying to stay just a bit away. When I called CQ, it was on 14.061 or 21.061. Close, but not right on.

73 de Larry W2LJ

VE9KK said...

Good morning Dick, yes most to the time you will hear "Test" being part of the op's call out for stations.There was an ARCI contest on over the weekend.

VE9KK said...

Good morning Larry, that's what I do as well just a bit off the calling frequency. I am a CW contest person and I know that on weekend when there are large contest on the non contesters can be left with very little room on the bands. I try not to poke the bear and as you just stay a little to one side.