No time to do lots |
There was many things to get done this evening (far from being done) and not much time to do them. I had emails to answer, two reviews to write for Eham, get some radio time in and post on the blog! So I was shocked this evening to find 20m alive and well. The wind has died down out this way and that means the 230kv lines outside the house had stopped moving about. They sure were giving me loads of interference right across the band. That is for another days blogging complete with YouTube action as well. This evening I first ran across 9A2N from Croatia and his signal ranged from S4 to S7. I gave him a go with 1 watt, then 2 watts but I was able to make the contact with 3 watts.
I then found LZ833MBB...how is that for a call!!! This call is a special event station call and is in honour of Bulgarian Saint Martyr Knyaz Boyan Bylgarski.. I was able to work this Bulgarian club with just 1 watt.
Finally I moved on to 9A7R who is from Croatia as well and again got my contact in with just 1 watt. This evening the high flux and sunspot numbers sure are starting to pay off. I am going to have to get in on the action again tomorrow but for now it's off to other items on the check list.
Hi Mike, nice contacts with less than 5 watts. I think 20M may be a good band late evenings (night?) euro time.
73 Dck
Good morning Dick, well 20m was sure active last night with lots of Europeans that’s for sure. It was nice to hear the bands in this type of positive shape.
Hello Mike, hopefully the stations did not run excessive power for the QRP DX marathon. You did an excellent job with just 3 watt to 1 watts.
I like these special calls with many letters. It's fun on both the transmitting and receiving side. 73, Bert
Good evening Bert, yes last evening I was able to snag one station that was at 100 watts. Not great but considering the other stations were either at a KW or I was not able to get their power. This evening I only got into Newfoundland and he was running 75 watts. The distance is not there for huge points but it's better than nothing.
Have a great day Bert
Hello Mike,
Those are amazing contacts with only one watt of power. I've worked them with 3 but it was very hard to do.
Congratulations on some fine catches.
Good morning John, I am very happy with the Attic mounted dipole (DX-EE) it is doing a great job.
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