Sunday, November 21, 2010

The weekend projects......

The weekend is almost over but on Friday like most of us a "to do list" was made. As for the ham related items on the list I did not do to bad at all. As of Sunday afternoon the K2's 100 watt (KPA100) kit is done, installed and working in the K2 (well almost I did submit a post to the Elecraft site about a small issue). I set up  Ham radio deluxe computer control software to also work with my K2. I ran out of serial ports on the computer so I was able to use my Edgeport/8. It has 8 serial ports and is USB connected to my computer. I connected it to my computer installed the drivers and it works great. My radio room is clean along with my work area where I do all my kit building.

The new monitor to the right (click to enlarge)
My other ham related adventure for the weekend was to get a second LCD monitor. I have a second output on my video card and able to take advantage by adding a second monitor. It will help out during contests, on one screen I can run PowerSDR and a propagation page as well. On the other monitor I can run N1MM contest software along with But there are many combination's I can try out over time both for contest and casual operating. The monitor to the left that is blank and hooks up to my laptop again during contest time. I like to to monitor getscores or work on my blog during slow times and it does not tax the CPU of my main computer.
New monitor with PowerSDR and propagation reports (click to enlarge)

N1MM along with (click to enlarge)


M0JEK said...

What a lovely set-up.

VE9KK said...

Thanks Andre for the comment.

Bob VE3MPG said...

Very nice, like the shack colour. Just re-vitalized my shack but not quite finished. My to-do list is a lot longer than yours it seems

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bob, yes I chose the colour as it is soothing and relaxing.