We are back from vacation and it was a last minute road trip decision which when you are retired you can do. We went back to Ontario to visit family and friends and again because we are retired we decided to stay longer than planned. The original plan was a 2 week trip but that turned into 3 weeks. I was not able to make it a radio/vacation since I sold my KX3. Looking back even I had the KX3 with me time would not have allowed really any operating. This is our first real vacation since retiring 2 years ago and it also has been 2 years since we went back to Ontario. For a vacation trip I was shocked at how very busy we were just driving around and visiting. Towards the end of our time away I was ready to get home and relax!
Speaking of "back home" shortly after my last RFI post in July, my RFI just vanished. I did not get my hopes up as this has happened in the past but only for a few days. Well days past and then weeks and no RFI issues. Once back from our Ontario vacation I checked again and the bands are RFI clear. As for investigating the non RFI...... I think I am going to let sleeping dogs lie!
Hahaha, yes it's a good idea to let sleeping dogs lie. Radio can just be a bit weird huh?
Glad you enjoyed your busy trip to Ontario - I have relatives there (in Hamilton). I keep saying I'm gonna visit but never do.
Take care, Tom, M7MCQ.
Good morning Tom very nice to hear from you, yes the trip was great and it was very nice to see everyone again. Hamilton was not to far away from where we were visiting and we had to go through Hamilton several times to get to places.
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