Saturday, August 8, 2020

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo 2020


The welcome message.
This moring and this afternoon I was just checking out the first-ever QSO today virtual ham expo 2020. This may be one of the "ways of the future" I am very impressed with the speakers they have lined up and if you miss one you can watch the recorded version. After a presentation, there is a live question and answer session. There is a QSO lounge where you can chat with fellow hams as well as reps from various manufactures.  I'm not going to give a complete rundown as you can click on the above link and see for yourself just after a short registration. This being the first year and already there is a date set in March 2021 for the next event. Sure there may be the need for improvement and they are very open to suggestions but I am very impressed with what I have seen so far. 

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