Sunday, December 9, 2012

Contest Skeeter Hunt wallpaper

Just waiting to be framed and hung on the "I love me" wall
 The Skeeter Hunt contest had it's first running this year its sponsored by the NJQRP club it was arranged and coordinated by Larry W2LJ. The theme was "My favorite place". This is a QRP contest and encourages (more contest points) home made or kit gear as well if you can come up with a home made key then your contest score will reflect this BIG TIME!!! As for VE3WDM I had kit gear (Elecraft K2) and I was operating from a park (more points for this). To make this post short and sweet I had a blast in this contest and plan on doing it next year as well.


Dick said...

Hi Mike and congratulations on your award. Looks like a very nice plaque.

VE9KK said...

Good morning Dick, yes it's very nice looking and Larry W2LJ shipped it in such a way that it did not get damaged at all. It will soon be seeing a frame and then up on the wall.

Jeff Davis, KE9V said...

Congrats on the award. A fine looking piece of wallpaper!

73, Jeff KE9V

VE9KK said...

Good evening Jeff, it was a nice surprise to get in the mail.

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Congrats with the wallpaper Mike, it looks nice ! 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas, It's going to find itself on the wall this weekend.

Jspiker said...

Hello Mike,

Congratulations on the award! Wallpaper is a good thing!

Jspiker said...

Hello Mike,

Congratulations on the award! Wallpaper is a good thing!

VE9KK said...

Thanks very much John.

VE9KK said...

Thanks very much John.