Some time ago I blogged about the Captcha's one would have to deal with when trying to leave a comment on some blogs. Over time Captcha's have changed and not for the better. I can remember when they were simple......a pain but still simple to solve. Then I guess cyber bots became smarter so the Captcha's became harder!! The new Captcha's had a "wave" to them along with upper and lower case letters. Then as fate would have it the dam bot's did it again became somehow smarter....the Captcha's then had an UNCOOL way of blending their letters together and burring them to boot, oh and lets add numbers now too.
So my latest Captcha rant is......this week I was going to post a comment on a blog and on the comment page it contained the Captcha along with the comment box. There was the blur, the wave and numbers as usual so I filled in the maze and then added my comment. I proceeded to hit the post button I was then informed my Captcha attempt did not match....surprise surprise!! I was instructed to hit the back button and try again. To my surprise my comment was gone and I had to start all over again!!! Is this the NEW Capthca....mess up and your punishment is to start all over again. I guess from now on I am going to have to add but another step to my comment process, highlight and copy the comment in case I am punished and have to start again and maybe again and get the idea.
I am stepping off my soapbox now........thank you.
Couldn't agree more. Some of them have an audio option if you can't make sense out of the visual presentation. These are so distorted, complete with out-of-phase overlaying repetitions, that this old CW operator can't make sense out of them either. Now if they just sent morse code at 25 wpm I'd be OK.
Thanks for not having a captcha thing on your web page!
David, ex-W8EZE
I agree Mike. If the new method deletes a comment you made, after some thought on the subject, and you have to repeat the process, usually not as well, then comments are not going to be made. Certainly not by me. One strike-out, I'm done.
Good morning David, I have seen the audio option but have never tried it, interesting that they are just as confusing as the written Captchas.
Hello Dick, Im not sure if it's the new and up coming method for Captchas but I did encounter it the other day It's not as common yet but I am going to have to remember to copy my comments in case the Captcha gods frown on me.
Hello Mike, often I paste my text into a plain text file on my desktop, before playing with the Chapcha's. This saved me a lot of time. The file is still very small, but grows with each entry. hi 73, Bert
Good evening Bert, great idea and that would solve lots of frustration on my part when I loose a pre-post to cyber space.
Unbelievable....sort of discouraging to say the least. My trifocals make it almost impossible to read these at times. There's got to be a better way. Hihi
Good morning John, yes it is true with technology today you would think we don't have to jump through the hoops we do. I have removed the Captchas from my blog and I get very little spam and the stuff I get blogger puts in right in my spam file most of the time. Also as a side note I hope all goes well as the weather gets on the bad side down you way as the hurricane comes to land. Do keep us posted!
It was deleted as I double posted a comment to John above.....still a little sleepy....:)
Eventually, if you pass the Captcha, you will have to be a bot as no human can figure them out.
Hey Traveller, I have not heard from you for some time hope all is going well? Yes how true these silly Captchas are getting out of this world!!
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