A view of Lake Ontario from the balcony |
It's not news to anyone in North America that the temperatures sure have taken a dip whether you are in Canada or the south U.S. I was reading today that down in Myrtle Beach it was -4C, on the weekend the Green Bay Packers fans were freezing with the very low temps! This evening out this way with the wind chill it is suppose to hit close to -40C. By way of ham radio I am in the process of trying to Macgyver (referencing a TV show called
Macgyver}something for the Alexloop to sit in the horizontal position on the tripod. This is only until the MFJ 1788 loop arrives. On Sunday I did manage to get the Alexloop on the balcony in the horizontal position.......for some reason that just does not sound right.......anyway I was able to get out on 40m but nothing on 20m. It was late in the evening and I was happy with getting some spots on 40m. It was a very short effort as the antenna was in a make shift setup for horizontal polarization...now that sounds better. For all you in North America stay warm and as for Europe I have been speaking with some of my blog bud's over there and the temps in some areas are balmy so enjoy those temps.
Ah, MacGyver, that was my favorite show. That's why I always have my swiss amryknife with me :-) I'm shure you can MacGyver something to hold the loop. I hope temperatures will rise on your end. Here it's hot for the time of year. I remember my mobile operations last year in snow and temperatures below 0C. Well, I think winter is late here this year. 73, Bas
Good morning Bas, yes when you put your mind and some time to a task you can be amazed what you can end up with. As for the temp's the weather says we have a break coming this weekend and the temps are going to hit PLUS 5!!! how is that for strange.
There are times I'm very glad to live in a sheltered valley! It may be cold but usually not windy.
Good evening John, it's so true Julie and I were out for a walk this evening the wind coming off the lake was something else. BUT having said that the news said that on Saturday the temp is suppose to hit plus 8C.
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