The attic dipole is working it's magic agian! |
It's Sunday afternoon and thought I would flip the K3 to the on position. The RSGB IOTA contest is in full swing but I was only able to hear few stations. As I spun across the band I came across G0PZA/EU11 in London area. I gave him a call at 500 mW's but it was just not going to happen. As I slowly raised my power I was able to make the contact with 1 watt for a 3594 miles per watt contact. I then moved around the band but was not able to hear all that much. I was pleased with this contact as the bands over the last couple of days have not been really all that great. Last night I heard a station calling CQ from Nova Scotia and even with full power at 5 watts I was not able to raise this station. I consider this evening to be an accomplishment with a 1 watt DX contact as compared to almost a local call and being shut out with 5 watts. It's 5 o'clock in the evening and I am very tired (considering I pulled an all nigher at work on Saturday) so it's soon time to hit the hay and looking forward to another week at work....NOT!!!
Have a good week everyone
Hey Mike...nice job with 1 watt. Conditions were really awful for the time I was on the air. I did something differend and went /P with my radio and two dipoles. Lots of fun for such a "new" thing for me.
Still eager to work you on air one day but we really need better conditions.
Good evening Stefano, nice to read that you were giving the portable operating a go! I always find it to be a very time getting out and about with the radio. One day our signals will come across each other....maybe in a CW contest.
Hello Mike, well done with 1 watt. I also particapted in the IOTA contest. I made just 6 QSO's from 360 mW to 1.8 watts, but all good for more than 1000 Miles per Watt. hi 37, Bert
Good morning Bert, nice to hear from you and hope all is well? I have been sticking with 5 watts these days as the conditions have not been in my favour for mW contacts. I try the contact at the QRPp levels but end up slowly moving up to QRP levels and sometimes have to max out at 5 watts.
Have a nice weekend.
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