Setup for test. (Laptop running Ubuntu update) |
The propagation conditions have not been all that great over the last couple of days so what a better time to do some on air Alexloop vs attic dipole comparisons! Here is the setup I used my Elecraft K3 putting the Alexloop in antenna 1 on the K3 and left the dipole on antenna 2 on the K3. This way I can use the internal tuner for the dipole and remove the antenna tuner for the Alexloop with just the push of a button on the K3. The power output was 5 watts, figured I would go to the top end of QRP considering the atmospheric conditions being not so hot. The Alexloop was up in my radio room facing West out the widow and East through my house walls. The Dipole is in a "Z" configuration in the attic so it kinda is facing most all directions. The Alexloop frequency was 14.061 and the dipole was 14.059 and I was using CW along side the Reverse Beacon network. The current atmosphiric conditions at the time of the test were:
SFI 157
SN 173
Below is the results of the test.....not so well it would seem the Alexloop netted zero and the dipole only one. So is seems for a more acurate comparison better conditions are needed.
Hi Mike, I think the bad propagation is just excellent to test antennas. Otherwise it's difficult to say what is best, the antenna or the propagation. You should take a look at WSPR to test both antennas against each other. Even then it would be difficult to tell, but I think that way you got more succes. The nice thing is that you can put the data in a excel file for easy comparisation. 73, Bas
Hello Mike,
I'd be really surprised if the Alex Loop performed equally with the Attic Dipole....but I've been surprised many times in this hobby. hihi
Good evening Bas, I did have WSPR installed and running on this computer then something when south. I was not able to get the K3 out of transmit once it keyed. I go fed up trying to sort it out and just deleted it. I should retry the program again as it was some time ago that I was using it.
Good evening John, I have not really give the loop as of yet a good workout as the weather and my schedule has not favored radio time. But the good weather is coming and maybe the propagation will improve (fewer solar flares) and I can give the two antennas a good go.
Yes, you definitely need a bigger sample, hi. Perhaps you'll find more signals on the weekend or do the amount of beacons change much? Good luck, looks like a mad scientist shack now.
Good morning Casey and very nice to hear from you, I agree a larger sample sure is in order. This past weekend the conditions were not great (at least on Sunday when I tried) I also may try WSPR as well to see how that works out for me.
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