RBN spots (click to enlarge) |
The weather once again was great and I wanted to take the
Alexloop out onto my back deck to see how it would do once again. The other day I had no spots at all but this day was a complete different story. I was operating my KX3 at 3 watts. The antenna as was already mention is the Alexloop mounted on a tripod. I called CQ on 20m,30m and 40m it was the late afternoon and nothing could be heard at my end at all. I was spotted only in the States but conditions have not been all that great. I did hear some American stations on 30m but they were just at the noise level. By the spots on the
Reverse Beacon Network my signal is getting out! I am excited to see how this antenna does once the condition improve.
I worked 106 countries with 5 watts and my AlexLoop. You'll really enjoy it. 73, Paul, N8HM.
Good morning Paul, very nice to hear such a great report regarding the loop. My problem at this point has been the poor propagation. Thanks for stopping by the blog and taking the time to comment.
Hi Mike, I didn't know this kind of antenna. Sounds like a great portable aerial for some field QRP operation or SOTA activity.
Good signals for 3W !!
Good morning Stefano, good to see the comment section is working for you again. Thanks for the email regarding this. As for the antenna it's made in South America and has great reviews. So far I have enjoyed working with it.
Hi Mike,
I played with an Alexloop for the first time today.... Managed 4 ssb qrp contacts.... I guess its on my wish list now...
Good morning Bob, yes I have been very impressed with the antenna. I plan on getting the antenna out into parks and so on to see how it does. Up to this point it has either been in the house or on the back deck at the house.
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