Over the past few months I have been using my KX1 more and more I'm very happy with the rig. It has been bounced around pretty good now and then so I felt it was time to get a case for it. After searching the internet for ideas, the choice of most seemed to be the
Pelican 1060 case. The Pelican website brags of how the case is dust proof, crush proof and water resistant. I hope to never have to put the KX1 through any of those tests anytime soon. At work many of our test instruments are in Pelican carry cases and I can attest to the fact they sure do hold up under some harsh conditions. Julie tells me that the camera store in town has a large assortment of Pelican products. I was hoping to get the 1060 with the transparent top but they did not have that model in stock. I settled for the solid yellow case, oh and just as a side note...while at the camera store I realized that there is a hobby out there that is more pricey than Amateur radio.....CAMERA'S. Well it was from the camera store to home I grabed the KX1 and do some operating from a new spot I found by the river in town. Which was my last post. I hoped this to be the last time I would have to carry the KX1 and
from today forward it would be in it's new bright yellow home.When I got home from my mini riverside operation it was to work on the Pelican foam that would house the KX1 nice and firm in the case. I found the foam insert was made up of small square piece that could be pulled out. I began to pull out the foam to get the KX1 fitted down into the protective foam housing. Well this was not working to well and there was no instructions that came with the case. I left the project for the weekend as it was getting late and other stuff around the house had to be done. The next weekend it was off to the camera store Julie had some stuff she had to pick up. While there I looked at some larger Pelican cases, they came with instructions regarding the fitting of the foam insert. Once reading the instructions it all made sense and I was on my way home to do it the right way this time. I was suppose to place the item to be embedded in the foam on top of the foam. Place tooth picks around the corners of the item. Remove the KX1 and with a razor knife cut right threw the foam. With the piece removed shave it to the height required so the KX1 would sit at the proper depth. Once this was figured out the project started to go very smooth and before you knew it the KX1 had a new home in the Pelican case. Now it is time to put the accessories in the foam such as the key, antenna and binding posts. I am at odds with the
KXPD1 key
I find this key very hard to use and am sending lots of extra dot's and dashes. I am now on the hunt for a new portable key, that is another post all together. So at this point the KX1 is alone in the case until I figure out the key dilemma.
Excellent choice! I have a Pelican case that travels very well. Room for FT-817 and power cord, MFJ QRP meter, MFJ mini-tuner, mini power supply, and good ear-budds. Must put the portable antennas, coax and jumpers, paddle, etc. in a suitcase.
I really think you will find the Pelican an excellent investment. Enjoy!
73 Dick
I never heard of these cases, guess that's because they are used in the photgraphy/video world. Anyway, it looks very nice and handy. 73, Bas
The KX1 fits well in the 1060. I have a 1010 that I use for a Zoom H2 audio recorder (which I used to use at work to record and podcast my lectures (recently I video record them). The cases are tough and provide a good level of protection.
As for cameras, I think for the technology you get in then it is pretty amazing and great value. The prices can be high especially for SLRs and lenses, but the quality of the optics and the electronics can be quite amazing. Just wish I could justify the purchase of a Canon T2i
Alan, VA3STL
Dick that must be a large Pelican case for all that to fit into? Bas I guess Pelican has not made it's way into the market out your way. You should check out the website if you are ever looking for a good rugged case. Be the first one in the Netherlands to have one.. :) Yes Alan the Pelican cases do have lots of uses and applications. As for the SLR camera's I have the Nikon D90 and Julie has the D700.
Nice setup, Mike! Pelican cases are great. We use them at work all the time. It's fun to see a delicate, one-of-a-kind instrument come out of the baggage claim upside down and it fires right up when you take it out! I'm going to pick one up to replace my suitcase when it dies.
As far as portable keys go, I haven't found one I liked. I just carry the real thing. K8MR swears by his K9LU bulldog, though I've never used one.
Looks good, Mike - I also own a KX1 and carry it in a soft case designed for a small oscope. Not as much protection as a Pelican case but it usually just stays in storage anyway. It's a great rig (as you know) and I need to use it more often.
As for cameras, I have the D90 and am waiting on the D700's replacement to be released to serve as my upgrade.
K8GU I'm going to look into the Bulldog key I have a few others that I am considering as well.
I'm vacillating back and forth between having one case that fits everything, or one just for the radio and one for the accessories. I also have an ft817 which can share some of the same items, antenna, key, p.s., etc.
Hey, if you think ham radio and photography are expensive you should try my other hobby.
www.kobrabytes.com ;)
Good morning Len, Thanks for stopping by I am going to have to update the Pelican case post. I have now purchased a different Pelican case for the KX1. Able to fit in all the accessories making sure nothing is left behind. I did check out your website and very very nice Ford Shelby and yes that is a hobby that price wise does not even come close to mine combined.
Cool, I'll be very interested in what you end up with. I do like the idea of a single box from a "grab and go" point. Although if I go that route I end up with redundancy, which is not bad either...
Good morning Joe and thanks for stopping by the blog and yes these are great cases for sure. I like the "if you break it we replace it" policy too.
What a good blog you have here. Please update it more often. This topics is my interest. Thank you. . .
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