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Monday, February 14, 2022

Snow and End-fed antenna don't mix well.


Some snow removed from side to have access

This year we have been getting our share of the snow as it seems each week they are forecasting storms with up to 60cm or snow. As a result the snow has been piling up around the property including the shed. The shed is where one end of my End-fed antenna is secured too. The wind seems to blow in a way that causes the snow to drift along one side of the shed. I began to have some SWR issues with the End-fed antenna nothing the antenna tuner was not able to deal with but I wanted to check out why. It seemed the snow drift now well over 9 feet high was getting very close to the End-fed wire and affecting the SWR.

The solution was easy, it was time to get the snowblower out to the shed and blow the snow far far away. With that done the End-fed antenna was happy and so am I. Seems I have to keep an eye on the shed regarding drifting snow. With just a small bit of shovelling here and there this issue will not be a problem again. 

All done.

This brought another question to mind.....I was thinking of getting a vertical antenna maybe the Hustler 4BVT.  But I am now looking at this again as I see this being a high maintenance antenna when the winter comes trying to keep the snow away for the base.


  1. Wow, what a snow Mike. Glad you have a snowblower. Have a snowblower in stock here at my job. It is in stock for over 10 years :-). Not enough snow to use it. The hustler antenna is a good alternative but keep in mind a vertical will receive more interference from nearby appliances. Good luck surviving the winter. 73, Bas

    1. Good evening Bas, yes we do get lots of snow in the winter and without a snowblower at times it would be impossible to remove the snow. That was one of my drawbacks to having a vertical antenna as it could after it's set up give me a loud noise floor. I'm not wanting just add to my "to do" list.

  2. Hi Mike,

    That amount of snow is something I certainly don't miss from my years in CT/NY/NJ. Pretty to look at while it falls, but the aftermath was something I always dreaded. As for your vertical antenna plans, could you mount it to a post so that the feedpoint is a meter or so above the ground?


    1. Good morning John very nice to hear from you, yes the snow is nice when it's falling but that's it. Back in Toronto we never had storms like this so in a way (for a short time) it's exciting to see it come.
      As for a vertical antenna, it's just a thought now and I am looking at options if I do get it how to install it..

  3. When Canadians say 'snow', they mean 'SNOW'!!! I have relatives in Canada (three families in Toronto, Ontario and Calgary) and I'm always gob-smacked at how much snow they have and how well they deal with it. Over here in the UK, the country grinds to a halt at the first sign of frost! LOL

    Take care, 73, Tom.

    1. Good morning Tom and thanks for the comment, yes once the plows go by our snowbanks at the side of the road can be over 16-20 feet high. It's all part of living here and if it is all you know then it's not a big deal. The most important thing is to have the equipment to deal with it when it does come.
      Have a great week Tom,

  4. Hi Mike, it's good to have a snowblower. What a snow there. We haven't had that in years. We are dealing with Hurricane Eunice today. I hope my vertical stays up. Have a nice weekend, 73 Paul

    1. Good afternoon Paul very nice to hear from you, I hope you and your family remain safe. We have family in England and they just went through this storm.
      Hope to see the vertical antenna on your blog safe and sound after the storm.
