Prevous posts

Sunday, January 23, 2022

What a mess.

Yesterday afternoon I was listening to II3WRTC which is a special call sign to promote WRTC (world radio team championship) there are 12 stations taking part one from each Italian call area. II3WRTC is from region 3. The event goes from January 1 to July 10 and to be honest this is the first time I have heard them on the air. Anyway, I degrees, as I was listening to the II3WRTC station I was shocked by the large pileup they had going. The station was operating simplex and in a nutshell, it was a mess! I made an audio recording of it and to be honest I have no idea how the special event station heard any call and how the callers knew if they had made it with a confirmation 559? 
I was surprised the station was not working split and hope that the other regions do use split when thing get as crazy as they were with II3WRTC. 


  1. Good morning Mike - I see examples of this from time to time with special event stations using special callsigns for whatever reason. I think many of them are casual operators not accustomed to split operation. They may not be aware of what it would provide in terms of clarity and QRM reduction. It is frustrating to be among those trying to work them.


    1. Good afternoon John very nice to hear from you, this must be a very popular special event station. In the past I have worked special event stations without issue. Maybe if and when it gets hairy they should try split.
      Have a great upcoming week.

  2. Hi Mike, my experience is that most special stations don't work split. But most DX stations do. I also worked this station. Good operators. 73 Paul

    1. Good afternoon Paul glad to hear from you, yes they were very good op's. Just to hear anyone in that kind of pileup is amazing.

  3. Most hams don't understand split. Thus there will be many working simplex because they don't understand plus 10 to 20 to further make a mess. WRTC will have the best operaters compete.

  4. Good evening John and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, yes the ops from the WRTC are great and I was amazed how they pulled the individual stations from out of the confusion. As for most hams not knowing about split operation I would hope a respectful amount of hams would have some idea about split now whether they know how to work it is another matter. I can remember my first few times working split and it was very frustrating.
    Have a good week John,
