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Friday, July 23, 2021



They say that hindsight is 20/20 and really no matter what age you are I bet you have looked back on something and would have done it differently. My mom used to tell me that if things went along perfectly you would never have a chance to grow and learn. She was right but some decisions I made looking back if I made them differently the growing and learning would have been faster and easier. But what fun is that eh......If we all had 20/20 hindsight as Amateur radio op's how would things be different? For me, I would not have to purchase AGAIN items that at the time I thought I would never need. Also in retrospect, there were times I sold equipment for the lust of other equipment and in some cases regretted it. 

So what are some of my hindsight 20/20 slash regrets...............selling my first rig it was a Kenwood TS-520SE I had the AT-200 tuner, DG5 digital display and the VFO 520S. At that time it was traded in for a shiny used Icom 745. but in hindsight, I sure wish I had kept it as it was the first rig I had but I do have some nice pictures of it. 

Very early in my years, I had a part-time job at an Amateur Radio store called Hobbytronics (no longer in the biz). It was there I was able to purchase my first brand new rig and yes you guessed it I traded my Icom 745 for a brand spanking new Icom 735. No regrets here but it had me realize the one can trade up to bigger and better! 

At the next point in my ham radio adventures, I drank the Elecraft Koolaid.....I started with the KX1 that I built and was thrilled with it when it worked. I then added the K2 (actually 2 of them) I then took the leap to a K3. The KX1 and K2's eventually were sold and the "ham bucks" were used to purchase needed items like a brand spanking new Elecraft KX3!!!  In hindsight did I need it, no not really at all the K2's were loaded and served me well both at home and portable but I WANTED a KX3. I regret getting rid of both K2's as I built them from scratch and they actually work. 

Then the loaded K3 was sold for my retirement gift to me an Icom 7610. I had great success with the K3 and how it was able to be upgraded via a simple download over the internet. The Icom was the same and it too could be upgraded with the latest and greatest software........WRONG! I found out the hard way that Icom most of the time upgrades to fix issues and not to added new features. To cut Icom some slack they did just this year provide some upgrades but with Icom it's all about the bottom line and not that there is anything wrong with that. So should I had stuck with my fully loaded K3.......yes I think so but hindsight is 20/20

I was comforted in the fact that I still had ONE Elecraft rig in the trusty KX3 for portable op's and if ever my Icom 7610 went down. Here comes another regret, my PC was old and showing its age. I decided to look around the net to see how I could upgrade my PC and it turned out that this retired guy was a bit short on cash to upgrade the PC to where I wanted it. I was looking at the KX3 and it really was used for portable op's which for the past 2 years never happened. I convinced myself it was just gathering dust (regret) and so I sold it along with its accessories. I was able to use those ham bucks to do a total upgrade of the PC. Looking back it was regret to part with the KX3 but what is done is done and I do have a very nice PC. 

Don't get me started on radio add-on stuff......I have sold more items than I can mention and then purchased them again!!! Ok, let's just list some:

Sold LDG tuner AT 600 and ended up getting LDG 200pro

Sold MFJ 1026 to purchase the same 

Sold Alpha Delta 3 position switch to purchasing the same

LF Engineering H-800 active antenna to purchase the same

LP 100 Telepost meter to purchase CN 901 meter 

The list can go on but to spare me from deep depression :) I will stop here. So what regrets/ 20/20 hindsight decisions have you made and I hope to hear from some of you so I don't feel I am the only one in this boat.


  1. Sold HW-8, OHR-100 (2), TT Century 21 (truly regret), this was years ago. Gave couple of rigs away. Now using a second-hand, recently purchased K2/10W. Functions well. I have an Icom 7200 packed in a Pelican case which I am keeping clean and dry to use as my last transceiver. I want nothing to do with SDR, so future full size QRP rig options are limited. Only rig on the desk is the K2. Not on the air much these days so I manage with what is left. Really liked that Century 21 analog. Mike, take care. 73 de Dick F8WBD.

    1. Good morning Dick and as always very nice to hear from you, yes the K2 is a great QRP rig and very nice all around. As said in my post I have had 2 K2's and they both were great rigs. For CW you can't beat it.

  2. Till now I have no regrets selling equipment. Most of my purchases are still in use. Actually I really should sell some of the equipment. Problem is that it is not worth much. Selling it would only make some room in the shack I don't have to sell it for financial reasons. 73, Bas

    1. Good morning Bas very nice to hear from you, well if it's just to make room and you really will not get much for it may as well hang onto it until room is something that is really needed in the shack.

  3. Replies
    1. Good morning Luc, thanks for the kind words and I am glad you enjoyed the post.

  4. Hi Mike, this is definitely recognizable. I think we do all these things. I sold my Ten-Tec Argonaut 509 transceiver. I Regret. I sold my Icom IC-202 portable SSB transceiver. I Regret. Yaesu FT-7 HF transceiver, I regret. Yaesu FT101E, not really regret but for the good old times I wanted to keep it. I have had the Yaesu FT817 and FT450 since 2008 and I will continue to use them until they break. 73 Paul

  5. Good morning Paul, very nice to hear from you, The Yaesu rigs are very nice and reliable so I am expecting you are going to get many years of service from them.
    Have a good week.

  6. I've done lots of swap-outs and the vast majority have helped me to move forward - with no regrets. I've enjoyed them all. BUT I do wish I had not sold my IC-7610. I should have stopped right there. Like you said, hindsight's a great thing.

    I hope you're keeping well Mike.

    73, Tom, M7MCQ.

    1. Good evening Tom, yes we for sure all have one of those looking back moments. I really like my 7610 and yes I was an Elecraft person but I have no regrets moving to the Icom 7610.
      Have a great week and stay safe.
