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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Time to house clean and sell sell some equipment.

Recently I have been doing some thinking......It's always nice when there is an easy answer to things BUT it just does not seem to be! In the past, I have sold radio equipment to later find myself kicking myself. There have been way too many times than I  would like to admit where I have sold something to later purchase that same item! 

Lately, I have been (in my head) going back and forth with regards to selling some radio items....I don't want to keep it just to have it just in case and it just gets older and holds less value......or sell it and take a chance. It reminds me of when I dabbled in stocks if I only knew the right time to sell and buy.  My best information I have at this time is it's time to move some equipment out the door. 

Locally (in Canada) I have put the following items up for sale: 

1. Chameleon CHA P mag loop antenna. 

2. Elecraft KX3 along with some extras. 

3. LDG DTS-4 antenna switch. 

4. Palm mini paddle. 

The first two items are my portable op's stuff and we moved to the east coast over a year ago and it has just sat on my desk doing lots of nothing. I just don't want to see it sitting there if someone else can use it. The other items have been doing the same and I hope I don't end up next year or so kicking myself in the backside that I sold them but such is life. 


  1. Hi Mike, I know how that works. But I always regret selling my Ten Tec Argonaut 509, for example. It had a great receiver on board. Same with my photo and video devices. A few years ago I sold a few things, but now I keep them. Because the price often drops significantly. But sometimes you have to clean up a bit. Good luck, 73 Paul

  2. Good morning Paul, it's good to know I am not along with selling things and looking back. I just don't like to have equipment that sits on the desk and does nothing. Besides with some funds I get I am updating my PC. It's about 10 years old now and starting to show its age.......kinda like me, I guess. :))

  3. GM Mike
    Prediction: the paddles will be snapped up quickly! I hope you don't regret selling them.

    73 - John

    1. Good evening John, I would imagine you are very correct. I have not listed the key as of yet....I am still thinking that one over and over.

  4. Boy oh boy, this situation is soooooo familiar to me Mike. I feel desperate to have something and can EASILY find a bunch of reasons to do it. And then when it sits there with shockingly low use because I've already got another 3 that do exactly the same job, I start to struggle. A good case in point is that I find myself looking at the IC-705 when I've already got a KX3, ft-818 and a G90. I'd end up selling one and then missing it and buying it a second time because I miss it.

    Such is life. It's not a crime. :-)

    73, Tom,

    1. Good evening Tom and greetings from the Maritimes, well as of an hour ago I am less one KX3! I am shipping it out tomorrow to a ham about 200 miles north of me. For the first time I am Elecraft free..... I am going to use some funds to upgrade my PC. I will build it and am I thinking about the Intel I5. Up to this point I have always been AMD but all the Ryzen 5's I am looking at are on back-order with no solid date when they are coming in. I think the I7 may be over kill but over some tea in the evenings I will look into it.
      Thanks for stopping by and have a good week,

  5. Hello Mike, I too find it difficult to sell some of my equipment. I still got my 22 year old IC-706MK2G that should be sold. It has a small defect that occurs sometimes. Repair is too expensive and the money I get for it is not much compared to another portable HF/VHF/UHF rig. So, I better keep it and use it for some /P operations. But on the other hand I even got equipment that I forgot I had it. I think I need to make a inventory list and see if something can be sold. 73, Bas

  6. Good morning Bas, yes at times you have to look deeper than just making a few bucks. As you said regarding the 706 it's a great radio and was out for a long time. You can make a small amount on it but then as you said to replace it you're spending more. If the defect only happens now, and then it's good to keep it as to sell the price drop because of the defect would be very low.
    73 and Merry Christmas to you and your family,
