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Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 in review

 Once again I am looking back over the year and as most of you will agree it sure has been a year of changes! I'm not going to get into any politics or pandemic stuff but I will say that COVID has really affected the ham radio world. The Amateur radio community has in my humble opinion reacted to the pandemic in a very positive way. Club meetings are now online, clubs have a system of checking in on their club members throughout the week, worldwide there have been many "stayathome" call signs, we even had a virtual hamfest, radio dealers have in some areas gone to curbside pickup or bolstered their online presence. This list could go on and on but kudos to the radio community for stepping up and making a difference during this very strange time. 

Closer to home what does VE9KK's year in review look like? Let's start with the 2020 goals I set out 3 main goals for myself: 

- Register for CWop's academy code course.

- Get involved with the local radio club.

-Contacting some DXpeditions. 

So how did I do.....I did register for the CWops academy and was set up for the fall class. I received an email with the expectations of the students. They suggest that an hour per day is needed along with the online scheduled meetings. As the start time drew closer the home dynamics changed as my wife was now working from home in our home office/hobby room. I also was busier with the home reno's than I thought I would be. It would be tough to practice in the home office and with the Renos, time was very limited. I decided early to give up my spot so another person with the time commitment could use that slot. These courses are very popular and fill up fast and I did not want to put forth only a half effort. Because of this, I wanted to spend more of my free time using CW. 

The club involvement was derailed by COVID as the clubs up this way stopped all meetings and really did not get well into the pandemic. 

Contacting DXpeditions again COVID for the most part derailed that goal. 

The below picture is from club log and shows my 2020 operations by mode. It would seem my goal of getting more involved in CW was a success. In 2014 my CW op's was 5.44% and in 2020 it jumped to 55.98. I am not sure where the SSB stat comes from as I was never on SSB. 

So of the events this year have been: 
- We have completed our first full year at our new location down here in the Maritimes and I am very much enjoying the new DX I have been able to get here. 
- Some new radio equipment purchased and other things sold. 
- First-ever online Ham Expo that I attended. 
- Major computer upgrade and more in that in the new year. 

As for some goals for the coming year I am not too sure what to say as I have not really had any time to think about it. I have to get to it in the new year as they say if you plan for nothing you will always meet your goal. 


  1. Hi Mike, happy new year for you and yours. I hope all your radio goals come true. 73 Paul

    1. Good morning Paul very nice to hear from you, happy new year to you and your family.

  2. Yes, 2020 sure did mess things up in lots of ways including HAM Radio. One benefit is that I learned to Zoom, lol, and one of the local radio clubs made very good use of it, including chats with guests such as Elecraft's Eric Swartz.

    Ah well, 2020 is well behind us now, so I'm looking forward to a much better year and I wish you and yours all the very best!

    Kind regards,


    1. Top of the morning Tom, yes 2020 is now in the rearview mirror, and it's not time to look at brighter days.
      Happy New Year to you and your wife,
