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Thursday, November 7, 2019

30m FT8 is treating me well.

During my morning FT8 session, I was transmitting on my normal morning band of 30m at 60 watts. I have been very pleased with my Endfed antenna at this new location and how it performs on FT8. Yesterday I was shocked to see that my signal was picked up in Australia at -13dB and a distance of 17472 Km's this is a first for me.


  1. Wow Mike, 30m is wide open on your side. Congrats on your first with VK. Shocking results compared to your appartment magloop and attic antennas you used the last decade I guess....But you learned a lot at that time and can use it for you benefit with the new antennasystem. So unfortunate we are officially not allowed on the FT8 frequency on 30m in the Netherlands. However we can transmit on 30m FT4. 73, Bas

    1. Good evening Bas, yes I am very very pleased with the Endfed antenna. It's not a beam or a Butternut vertical but with the results I am getting I am very happy. I did not realize you were not allowed on FT8 on 30m but if FT4 is good to go I will give that a go and see if our signals can connect up. FT4 is a bit faster but that keeps me on my toes.

  2. Hi Mike, congrats with your results on 30 meter.The endfed is working well. 30 meter is a nice band. At the moment my antenna is not working for 30 meters. Wednesday I was also spotted with FT in VK on 20 meters. 73 Paul

    1. Good evening Paul and always nice to hear from you, yes Bas informed me that in the Netherlands 30m you are not able to transmit FT8 but you are good to go using FT4. I have yet to get really nice DX on 20m FT8.
      73 and thanks for stopping by.
