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Sunday, October 27, 2019

When you think you have covered all the bases

Moving down to New Brunswick from Ontario involved lots of planning and changing of information to our new location. With regards to ham radio, it meant a new call and changing what I thought was a "few things". Well...........I had no idea of all the changes that had to be done such as QRZ.COM, Club log, Eqsl, my blog, LOTW, ARRL, Rad com, and the list goes on and on. Some of the changes involved a simple online form. Others involved emails to individuals and even phone calls to inform of a call change. When you think you have covered all the bases and there is nothing that is left which needs the VE3WDM to VE9KK change...........There are times when things are right under your nose and fail to see it!
My splash screen on the Icom 7610 for the past 2 months!

Ahhhh that's better.

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