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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Antenna planning for the fall and winter.

I'm looking at (in my spare time) an antenna I can use over the winter months and then when the spring comes and more time on my hands to then further explore antenna options at the new QTH. At this time I have two options......the first is to set up the MFJ 1788 mag loop in a wooden shed that is at the back of the property. For this option, I would have to first see how the loop and woodshed react with each other. If there is no issue this may be a good option for the winter as the antenna is protected from the elements. The other option is an antenna I have had in the drawer and really have not used, it's the W1SFR Endfed 6m-40m antenna. With this antenna, I can secure it to a tree at one end of the property were it would be about 30 feet off the ground. Then terminate it out by the shed where it would be about 10 feet off the ground. The Endfed antenna is 35 feet long and is not a problem fitting on the property. With the antenna being secured to a tree at one end I have to take into consideration the swaying of the tree in a wind. I was going to put an eye hook into the tree and then a short spring and then attach it to the Endfed housing this I am hoping will allow some flexing via the spring if a wind picks up and the tree starts to sway. The W1SFRR housing is not meant to be premaritally outdoors as the case is not waterproof but water-resistant. I plan to wrap the housing in the self-amalgamating tape which would no problem keep the water issue at bay. The advantage to this antenna is I don't have to keep returning it like I do with the MFJ Mag loop. Once my Icom antenna tuner programs into its a memory the tuning of the Endfed I hope I can just tune across the band and not worry about tuning as I do with the MFJ loop.
Any input from fellow hams who have faced such an adventure would be great.


  1. The MFJ is and will always be a big compromise antenna. I would certainly choose for the endfed. I think it will do fine the way you will hang it. I use springs on both sides of my inverted-V and it works very well keeping the wires nicely straight. I had good results with the endfed, actually tried mine vertical and did well. Just as good as my HF5B on top of the mast. Still hope to make a QSO with you one day. Now you are living a bit closer to me and have more possebilities for a antenna it should be possible. By the way, let us all know when you migrate your blog to ve9kk.blogspot...73, Bas

    1. Good evening Bas and as always very nice to hear from you, I was leaning more with the Endfed myself for the fact the I can go from band to band without retuning a loop. As for the springs that you use I was looking and found all sizes....what length are you using and is it a very loose or tight spring? Yes we are closer to the Netherlands now that we are not he East coast and it would be great to have a QSO. As for the blog will let you and all the other follower know when it becomes VE9KK. At this point in time we are still getting organized and setup so that is on the back burner for now.
      Have a great weekend Bas

    2. Sorry that I didn't reply earlier. The spring is about 15cm long and it is a tight spring. With tension on it it will become about twice the length. I'm shure a QSO between us would be possible when you have this antenna outside. 73, Bas

    3. Good evening Bas and not a problem regarding the reply, thanks for the information as it gives me something to go on when I go to the hardware store. Yes it's very true I am closer here on the east coast and it would be great to have a QSO.
      73 and thanks for the info

  2. Hi Mike, I like mag. loops but a small Q and always tuning. But with a fixed frequency like wspr or FT8 no problem. Now I have a Endfed antenna for over 5 years, and I am very satisfied what the antenna does. It is only 11,5 meters long for 40-20 and 10 meters. (HyEndFed) 73 Paul PAØK

    1. Good evening Paul and thanks for the comment and very good to hear from you, it's good to hear that you have success and are happy with your Endfed. I hope to get it up late September or early October and see how it works for me. I will sure not miss the retuning of the loop but as you said the loop is great for WSPR and FT8 for sure when no tuning is needed.
      73 and have a nice weekend Paul

  3. Now that you are a man of serious property, I would suggest wire, wire, and more wire. 73 Dick F8WBD

    1. Good evening Dick, thanks very much for the comment and great to hear from you.....hope all is going well out your way? Unfortunately there is no serious property here. I am living a modest retirement we want to have money in the bank for travel and so on.
      Great to hear from you
