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Monday, May 20, 2019

Blogging......has it seen it's time?

This past weekend up here in Canada has been a long weekend with the Monday as  a holiday. I spent some time just Googling " ham radio blogs" "Amateur radio blogs". I had many hits and  upon visiting the pages that were listed I found most were no longer being updated. I came across blogs were the last post was a few years old. I came across more blogs that have been abandoned than ones that are up to date. I will admit my blog is not updated as often as it should do to the fact there are many things going on and unfortunately the blog sometimes takes second or third seat. With the Google search that I did and the results that came back it begs the question "is blogging becoming something of the past?"  I very much enjoy reading the blogs I have listed on my blog as favourites. I also go to other blogs and check out who they follow and read those as well. I am very much enjoying my blog reading but I was shocked to see how many blogs out there are no longer current. So my question of the day is......"is blogging on it's way out?"


  1. Hello Mike - I think as long as people like to read and write (and have something to write about!), there will be blogs. Those that came & went were just experiments. As a hobby with so many facets ham radio is fertile ground for blogging. Your own stats page will answer the question as to whether blogs are a thing of the past; like mine, I'll bet yours says they aren't.

    I'm not much of a commenter since it's such a PITA to do so with the anti-spam gizmos in place but I read everything you post and the same goes for the others on my list of links. I enjoy keeping up with what others are doing in the hobby and, more than once, I've pursued a given avenue (and spent money) based on what someone else wrote about the fun they were having with something new and interesting. I hope you're not thinking of giving it up?!

    73 - John AE5X

    1. Good morning John as always good to hear from you, yes it is correct and very true for me as well and that is fellow bloggers keep me up to date on things I would of otherwise missed. Oh and not for a moment have I ever thought of throwing in the blogging towel. It’s hard to believe I have been doing this for over 20 years!
      Thanks for stopping by John and have a good week.

  2. Hello Mike. I don't think blogging has seen it's time. Most bloggers are just experimenting with writing, just like John writes above. I know a lot of bloggers have been moving to facebook. Why did they move? Well, there is so much more interaction I think. Personally I will continue with my blog as long as I have something to write or as long as I'm able to write. You never know what the future brings. At the moment I see that the numbers of views per month are falling and that has much to do with google+ closing. Luckely I have a very steady group of readers around the world that will still read my stories. My blogroll contains most updated blogs. Once and a while I remove some of them that are not updated anymore. Most time I will remove a blog from the roll after it has not been updated for over a year. I know there are a lot of radioamateurs that have something to tell and like to have a blog but are unable to "write" like we do. Not everyone has something with "language" en "reading". Keep on blogging my friend. 73, Bas

  3. Hi Mike
    I haven't updated my blog for some time until an entry today. I think there are many reasons for abandoned blogs. Facebook and You Tube are I think part of the reason. There are many amateur radio channels on You Tube now whereas in the past those people may have blogged. I view my Blog as a bit of a diary of my activities. if others get something from it that's great but sometimes I just like to look back through it! I still keep an eye on my favourite ham radio blogs though.
    73 Kevin GW0KIG

  4. Good morning Bas always very nice to hear from you, I forgot about Google + closing down and that would have an effect for sure. As for Facebook I’m just have not been able to get into it. My wife is on face book with her hobby but as for me I did try it but never liked it. I enjoy blogging and reading others and I’m not going anywhere any time soon. These past few years have been very busy with work so the blogging has suffered. Hopefully in the near future that will change as I find blogging to be relaxing.
    Have a great week Bas and again thanks for stopping by.

  5. Good morning Kevin, I too very much enjoy reading other bogs and I find them to be a great resource to the new things going on in ham radio. As I said in my reply to Bas I just have not been able to get into Facebook at all.
    Thanks again Kevin for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
